The movie has received undue criticism, primarily driven by Arjun's personal life, specifically his relationship with Malaika. This unfair backlash has resulted in an unjustifiably low rating of 1.9.
In reality, the film's quality warrants a rating between 6.5 and 7. Arjun's acting skills shine through, and Bhumi delivers a commendable performance.
The disproportionate criticism suggests that some viewers are influenced by biases against Arjun, possibly due to his personal relationships.
To Arjun, the message is: continue striving for excellence in your craft. Distancing yourself from toxic influences, including harmful relationships, may prove beneficial for your career.
1. Highlight the disparity between the movie's actual quality and its unfairly low rating.
2. Acknowledge Arjun's notable performance.
3. Address potential biases driving the criticism.
4. Offer encouragement to Arjun to focus on his craft and well-being.
Its Bhai fans vs you. So you have bear the heat .
Chill buddy. We wish you all the best
Do check out the movie. Its in youtube.
We should love Arjun Kapoor. A celebrity that has been through so much.
P.s - Not a paid review.