Quick question.. Do you like Wrestling, 80's Heavy Metal and low budget Horror?
If you answered no to any of these, maybe this movie isn't for you. Because I don't think you'll get the vibe this film is going for.
Which is fine.. its ok to not like things.
However.. Growing up in the 80's I LOVED all 3 of those things. (there's a 4th thing there too but i don't wanna spoil it)
They were all silly and dumb.. but in a really fun way.
Here for Blood is something that teenage me would have watched and rewatched over and over along with 'Army of Darkness', 'They Live' and Judas priest music videos.
Ah, who am I kidding? 40 year old adult me will probably watch and rewatch this one.
The premise of this film is simple.
A bunch of cultists invade a home looking to kill the babysitter and the kid she's looking after.
However the babysitter had to get her Wrestler boyfriend to cover for her so she could cram for a big exam she has the next day.
To say any more about the plot would spoil the fun, so you're just gonna have to trust me when i say that if you like all of the things I mentioned earlier, I think you will be pretty satisfied.
The hero of the movie is a Wrestler who is constantly chugging a beer and dispensing the cultists with Suplex's and other wrestling fight moves. Whist NWOBHM style metal plays.
Shawn Roberts does a great job with the character without going over the top with it.
Some of his line deliveries are pretty funny ("I have an axe" had me laughing out loud) and the rest of the cast do a great job as well.
With Maya Misaljevic doing an excellent job as the kid Roberts is babysitting looking like she's having fun with it (she also gets some pretty good lines)
Tara Spencer-Nairn is in this too and she's also great, she delivers her lines in a similar way to how she acted in 'Corner Gas'. Its a style some people may not get, but if you ever watched that show I think you'll know what i mean.
If I were to mark this movie down for anything it would only be that I wish it was done on film.
The shots are excellently staged and the lighting etc are very well done, but come across a little too clean. Maybe even just a filmgrain filter would help it a bit there.
I really want this movie to get a sequel and for it to just ramp it up to 11 because it is the kind of movie I don't think gets made anymore.
Its dorky and silly and a hell of a lot of fun and just gets better and better as it goes on.
Don't pay attention to the negative reviews. This movie is for fans of this specific genre.
I dunno, maybe I'm the only fan of that genre.
.. I'm cool with that. :)