This anime series is centred on Eve, a girl who makes money playing golf. She eschews regular competitions, instead playing in underground matches set up by shady individuals. Aoi Amawashi a skilful player who attends a prestigious private school. They come from very different backgrounds but become respected rivals.
If you are after a serous sports anime which shows the game in a realistic way this won't be the series for you. These girls play golf at a standard that would leave Tiger Woods, at his best, struggling in their wake! Once you get over the silliness it is rather fun; not the sort of series that one is likely to watch again but it provides a few chuckles and mild excitement. I think it got better as the series progressed. The characters are solid enough as is the animation. Overall I'd say this was far from a must see but neither is watching a waste of one's time; I will almost certainly watch when it returns later in the year.
These comments are based on watching the series in Japanese with English subtitles.