This special seems to focus more on trying to create some "shock value" via adult-oriented content than any actual laughter from an audience. Occasionally she MAY throw a final sentence after a 5 minute diatribe to try and elicit a laugh, but it's clearly an afterthought.
There's really not a great deal of humor in this special. I've seen her do MUCH MUCH funnier shows.
It's as if she specifically picked 5-6 topics that would be very adult oriented and which may make some audiences uncomfortable. I get that.. art is supposed to elicit a response.. in this case, it seems the response desired was an uneasy feeling, not laughter. Sure people may chuckle oddly when uncomfortable, but that's a far cry different than laughing because something is humorous.
I mean, what sane person thinks oral sex with their parents is funny??? And why on Earth would ANY comedian write a bit based upon that premise simply so they could throw in a bad pun in 4 words at the end??? Really? Come on, Nikki. Do better. Are you going to do a 10 minute bit about beastiality next so you can merely throw in "it was doggone good" at the end???
Merely working "blue" for the sake of working blue is pointless .. ya have to write JOKES, not just say words associated anatomy and sex. Why Nikki thinks it's her job to teach everyone about anal sex (without jokes) is a mystery to me.
I honesty think at this point, she's painting herself into a corner... she got a bit better "known" for being open about liking anal sex... mostly due to that 1/2 hr show she had... that causes some people to perceive her as a dirty comedian... so she's banking on that carrying her further. If this special is any indicator, it's not going to.
Oh, and using the pink microphone so it simulates a male appendage.. yeah .. I spotted that as well. Cheap tricks if ya ain't got jokes...
Write a clean hour Nikki.... prove you know how to write jokes.. not just say "vagina" repeatedly.
Maybe I just didn't "get" this one. I wasn't offended or put off by any of the content.... I just didn't see any real laughs to be had.