This movie is a clear example of how rich Brazilians that live in other countries their whole life and barely ever go to Brazil see the country they are supposedly from. This is a ridiculous bag of political propaganda from a POV that says nothing about Brazil other than how rich and favored Brazilians love to dramatize their country from afar. And how they love to talk about realities they have no idea of. This is not a movie. This is an excuse to make political propaganda against a democratic elected President. Do not waste your time watching it.
The movie tells NOTHING about the Brazilian middle class. To begin with most of Brazilian middle class was in favor of the last president. It is ridiculous how Brazil's "intellectual elite" exploit their favored position to sell a completely fake idea of what was happening in the country. Democracy was well as strong and the country was thriving.
These "directors" were just angry because most of the public money they used to travel around the world was cut. It is a sad reality when a country has its artistic class so depended and immorally linked to a political party that they are unable to create anything independent that could ever be considered real art. Sad. That is why Brazil will never have good movies other than some few accidental works that end up making sense (usually against their original intent - such as Tropa de Elite).