I love it! The Onion movie had the basic goods, but lacked cohesion. This format is perfect, and they execute it with aplomb.
It's not just funny: It's a vial of vitriol to the face of the pretense of culture and civility covering the rotting chassis of a heartless, soul-destroying high-tech, 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week, passive-consent-manufacturing media juggernaut.
Just when you're thinking, "Who's going to it? Who's going to pull the plug on Moloch's life-support?", someone comes along and gives it the ol' college go. And this time, it's them Onion folks, "Bob" bless 'em! Check it out. It's well-done. It's contemporary, and at the same time, timeless. They run a no-bullstuff operation, which is always heartwarming to see. They might give you a glib, postmodern guffaw. But, if you pay close attention, they just might rattle you to your core.
The only reason I don't give them a 10 in my rating is that I reserve that for regular, narrative theatrical productions that also rattle me to *my* core. So it's amazing to think that they come this close.