This Finnish crime series is set in the city of Helsinki, as its English name suggests, and is centred on two cops; Timo Harjunpää and Onerva Nykänen. Each story takes place over the course of two episodes. This is not really a murder mystery series; in most stories the identity of the criminals is made clear to the viewer from the start and a fair amount of each story is spent following the criminals activities. The cases are varied; in one an incel killer is targeting women, in the second two teenage boys attack a drunk man and in the third a couple launch a campaign of computer based misery against a millionaire. Away from their work we see how their careers impact on their family lives.
I thought this was a solid series. I was expecting a murder-mystery but wasn't disappointed by this series' different approach. Knowing the identity of the criminals means we can understand their motives even when they are clearly unreasonable. Timo and Onerva are good protagonists; they come across as ordinary people doing a difficult job rather than the typical 'characters' on finds in crime dramas. The cast does a solid job; most obviously Olli Rahkonen and Olga Temonen as our two leads. Overall I'd recommend this to fans of crime drama who don't mind the lack of mystery; I hope we get the second season here soon.
These comments are based on watching the first season in Finnish with English subtitles.