The second feature directed by Marc Price, the follow up to the world-beating zombie movie Colin is a poignant, dramatic, funny road trip centring around an estranged couple as they attempt to come to terms with the death of their young son. They are accompanied by two of the husband's friends, who provide much of the comic relief.
Magpie is a sober, emotional indie film, told in Marc's distinct style, and features terrific acting, framed by great cinematography and a well-paced story. It really is worth checking out this film if you can.
Daisy Aitkins stands out as the grieving mother, who ends up going on a road trip with her drunk ex (played with commitment by Craig Russell) and two friends (some fun comic relief provided by Phil Deguara and Alastair Kirton).
Marc Price's direction is surefooted as he lets the characters and the the story-line breathe.