It's a cop show that's reminiscent of countless other cop shows. It follows the story of six rookie cops which is so similar to Rookie Blue. The difference being Rookie Blue is probably much cheaper to produce filming in Toronto and not having big stars. The show is led by movie veterans Adam Goldberg and Leelee Sobieski. Both of whom just don't fit the traditional cop character. Leelee looks like a girlie girl, and wouldn't have a chance against most criminals. Adam is way too old. Although they explain it away that he was a former reporter on the police beat, it's still hard to accept. If they wanted to do a show centering on Adam Goldberg's character, they may have something original. But being just one of many, it just seem too gimmicky. It's as if they were trying to figure out what special weird thing can each character get. If they centered it on him, they would have more time to expand on his character.