I'll just say it, while the script and direction were okay or maybe even above par for a modern, B picture western, the performances of McDonough and the whole cast elevated it to something far better than it had any right to be. In particular, Gregory Cruz really stood out. I've seen him in a lot of projects but he became the kind of guy who can carry a movie to me with this. He's a hell of an actor and clearly has some understated comedic chops. I don't mean that to slight the performances of anyone else in the picture though. Everyone seemed to bring their best game on this. McDonough is always solid and somehow sympathetic even when playing a heavy. Amy Hargeaves was someone I'm not sure I've seen before but she was so good that I'll definitely keep an eye out for. Would've been good to see Lou Beatty get more lines. And God it was great to see Bruce Boxleitner again.