The Idea of the movie is nice, a guy on earth acting as god's judge whether you go to hell or heaven .. and really well written script ,, and plot just keep growing and attract you to a point where you really lose you sh!t trying to know which is real and which is not.
The Cast was amazing, Andrew J. West was sensational and bravo to the performance of the socially awkward role .. but come on !! ain't William H. Macy so genius where ever he's in !! i loved him in "Shameless" and now he's acting like the careless but knowledgeable psychiatrist .
The only thing which felt off about the movie is it feels like it's so short,, and it kinda was ... events go fast and the movie is just over like that,, i mean for a story like that i kinda wished there was a bit more to it,, but who knows! it might'v gotten boring if they'd done that..
So the movie overall is cool, recommended to watch it's not the wowzer type of comedy but it's definitely the one you'd enjoy watch with family on a Friday pizza night ;)
It's all about how you deal with grief. :)