I was never big on watching TV series, but then I got a Netflix account and took a chance to watch one episode of this.. I liked it, so continued to next ep and then I was so engaged with the story, I ended up watching entire S1 and S2 within record two days!! I never expected I would ever spending literally hours watching any TV series like this.. but it happened with this one. needless to say, I liked this series a lot. In particular, I liked the strong character played by JLH. She totally delivered in the performance.. and so did the other supporting actors. The overall story is OKish if I think of it now, but what really made the difference was how the story was told/unfolded/delivered. The last few episodes in S2 were really gripping and kept the suspense going till last minute of S02E15. JLH is one damn hot babe, with a sensual yet a pleasing/lovely demeanor. I thoroughly enjoyed the series. It's pity that the series ended abruptly, so taking 2 points away for that.