Air Collision does have some great novelty entertainment value, and not because it is a genuinely funny movie but because of how badly done everything is. It is truly inept on all levels but it's difficult not to be entertained by it. The commercial pilot is also a somewhat believable character. Visually and technically Air Collision is incredibly amateurish, listing the continuity and technical errors would fill a book with the same amount of pages as the most lengthy Stephen King book(we are talking around the 1400 page number), and the editing is the very meaning of haphazard. Air Collision may have some great unintentional comedy but as a drama it is downright lousy. The dialogue is some of the most inane and vomit-inducing of any movie recently, while the story consists of very unfocused, senseless and increasingly implausible storytelling, uneven pacing(with a slow start and a lot of the later parts feeling rushed), science and physics that you can't get your head round and melodrama that is far too dull, stilted and ham-fisted to be taken seriously. The characters are little more than personality-less stereotypical ciphers, the commercial pilot is the only one with the slightest bit of credibility, and the acting ranges from stiff to over-compensated, in short very bad. The direction is flat and has very little distinction or character, the director seemed more concerned about doing his job and he doesn't do it very well unfortunately. To conclude, really bad in almost all areas, it has unintentional novelty value going for it but that is it. 2/10 Bethany Cox