I only watched maaaybe 20 minutes of this, and I couldn't tell you what I saw. If there was an actual plot, I think the porn star wannabes who make up the cast murdered it and buried it out at sea.
It was definitely a horror. Masquerading as a porno? A really awkward, PG13-ish porno.
There was A killer bee. About 30 seconds of one, anyway. Some wooden acting in the first ten minutes or so by actors who probably could have been replaced by trees and nobody would notice.
Oh, and the porn star wannabe who spent the last ten of those minutes sprawled out on the bed rubbing his hands all over his chest in a vain effort to appear erotic. Only the fact that his socks kept magically popping on and off his feet was way more interesting. HE was just awkward and uncomfortable. Like, dude, take your meds or something, k?
I dunno, the view kept switching to some yellow effect which was obviously this stupid CGI bee's point of view, and I assumed said bee was gonna fly in the conveniently-opened door and sting the guy, but it seemed way more interested in being a voyeur and just watching. Maybe it was trying to figure out where the hell this guy's socks kept popping off to?
Anyway, I finally lost interest in the magic socks and turned off the movie because BORED AF, but from reading the other reviews (which, note to self: do that FIRST next time), the entire movie seems to be pretty much just this. Clearly, I'm not missing anything. But I DO wonder if that guy ever gets his socks to stay properly on his feet. Maybe gluing them would help?