I have to admit that this movie at times made me chuckle. John Karna is not a stunner but he's definitely funny in a stoic way, the dialogues were spicy and the script provided some really funny situations and characters. But the story was pretty shaky, it stayed for instance totally vague what caused the continually recurring day (in spite of some reference to a curse in the end, which came rather out of the blue and didn't really make sense), as did the way it worked (orgasms did the Groundhog trick, but strangely also a kick in the groin?!), and the way it came to an end (yet another orgasm, so what was so different?!).
To be honest: a movie that is entirely based on a teenagers ejaculations seems a bit like the rock bottom of tackiness. Poignantly illustrated by seeing John Karma multiple times lying on his bed with a big wet blotch on the front of his shorts. So I'm slightly embarrassed that in spite of that I still was entertained. Humbly I plead guilty.