Once again Director Raj has come up with a sequel of its super hit film Dreamgirl but this time it misses below the mark. First Dreamgirl was a perfect comedy film that entertains you with perfect storyline, best dialogues and character situation comedies. Dreamgirl 2 also has the same charm and this time with more characters and good punch lines but the story is below average as compare to the 1st one.
Even some supporting characters are wasted for just having few scenes and director seriously wasted their comic timing with average dialogues. Ayushman Khurana once again saves the film and carry the movie from start to end is what called perfect acting. Rest of the cast is average and doesn't have much to do as the story doesn't satisfy their characters as the previous one..
Anyway it's a one time watch you'll laugh at some point and get bore at some time but I still gonna say the 1st Dreamgirl is superb as compare to this one....