There is definitely a market for this type of ""comedy"" writing. Its just not for me. I mean I tried, 6 episodes in and didnt laugh which is fine because we all have different likes but I couldnt connect with any of the characters either. I didnt like, admire or feel sorry for any of them.
The whole point of this show seems to be who is the angriest and who can blame others the most, even blaming strangers...sigh....
I did expect more due to the names behind the scenes and the names in front of the camera but sadly it did nothing for me...
I dont give spoilers so I wont here, just to say that some reviewers have said the characters are like real people.....I genuinely would hate to be around so many angry bitter people who want to blame everyone for any problems in their lives.
Like I said, there is definitely a market for this kind of show. Go on twitter,insta, tiktok etc and you will find lots of angry people trying to blame strangers for something they didnt do or say..those people would love this show...
If the makers turned down the contrast, called it a drama and eased off the "messages" then it could be OK. But I struggle with the comedy label...