This movie tries to capture the spirit of classic movies like Beau Geste but fails to do so with a very unfocused script that had me pulling my hair out at times because the characters where just so unbelievably unreal in their roles. And this is due to a bad script with poor execution.
The story focuses on the start of WW1 & how the Germans & British had conscripted the locals into their war efforts. If this was the movie's focus, then it would have been a novel idea. But instead the movie's plot is about Germany's invasion plans of Africa somehow falling into the hands of the British. Eric Roberts plays the Captain in charge who must get the plans delivered to the next outpost so as to warn them of the Nazis plan of attack. He is accompanied by his niece & the remaining survivors. Can they make it & warn of the impending Nazi attack?
Because this script was so unfocused, the characters were flipping in their character roles going from scene to scene. One minute they are smart & intelligent & then they are just plain stupid in the next & switch back & forth again. An example is that there is a Nazi spy & several instances the spy does something that clearly reveals himself but the captain just ignores it. When it is finally revealed, the captain states that he knew all along who the spy was???
And the dialogue in parts was bad soap opera bad that I actually felt sorry for the actors having to do it. So many things in this movie didn't make sense. It was a wasted effort, just barely watchable that I didn't really care in the end who made it or not. Watch if you have nothing better to do as there is no real big payoff here.