I didn't know anything about FOXES apart from a brief synopsis and concluded it was simply a tale about a long term relationship hitting the rocks . That is in effect what the story is all about , emotional isolation between a couple that is rapidly and irrevocably widening . There does seem to be a clash between screenwriter Garret Shanley and director Lorcan Finnegan and how they envisage the theme . Mr Finnegan seems to think a story of isolation is a bit too simplistic so he does something unexpected and creates a short film that is almost an apocalyptic horror movie . None of this should be taken as a negative criticism . We all know what it's like to become emotionally attached to someone and when we lose that person it is effectively the end of the universe . It's something of an achievement to the director and is very well done and brings more atmospheric gloom to a short film than say WORLD WAR Z and I AM LEGEND which cost tens of millions of dollars . Perhaps the best aspect is the rhythmically amorphous music which leads to a suffocatingly oppressive atmosphere . The director had me on the edge of my seat wondering if something full blown horror movie territory was about to happen . You might ask why the director felt the need to go down this stylistic road but it's so well done it'd be wrong to complain and does lead to a short film having a massive impact and I'd love to see this director do a 28 DAYS LATER type horror movie mixing horror and human drama