I am somewhat critical of movies. So when I give this potentially-biased movie a 10-star rating, it's because I believe it fully deserves it. But the reason I rate it so highly is more important than the rating itself: it's because I couldn't find a single flaw in the entire film.
The main point is this: this movie has little to do with whether or not there is a God, whether or not He is responsible for all things, or mankind's position in trying to judge God if indeed he does exist. So I don't rate this on any of those issues. In fact, this film succeeds because it doesn't really try to answer any of those questions. I rate it on the merits of the movie... not philosophical or faith vs atheist teachings. Just as "He who represents himself in court has a fool for an attorney"... those who attempt to view this movie from their personal belief system will surely miss the point of the film entirely.
The question isn't "Does God exist?" The question is: Is this a good movie? Was it well directed, well-acted, have a good story-line, stick to the plot with consistency, offer an imaginative resolution and make a point? My answer to all of those questions is Yes.
What do I believe? Yes there is a God, no God is not responsible for the consistently selfish decisions made by humankind and the consequences thereof, and humans (who are limited to a measly 5 senses) trying to judge God is like a 2-year old throwing a tantrum because his parents won't let him eat all the cake and candy he wants. Humankind exhibits a degree of arrogance and self-importance beyond all sense. That is my personal belief system... and has nothing to do with this movie.
And that's the point: this film isn't about personal belief systems. It's about how we view our belief systems. In short: how arrogant are we? How do we handle life's adversities? Do we stand up to them or blame someone else? Do we attempt to judge others despite our own limitations?
Whether or not God exists and subsets thereof is only the lure to get people to watch the film. This film is actually about the personal journey of one man and how it affects the people around him. All else is merely a plot device to propel that theme.
Setting aside the "faith vs atheism" some may try to impose upon this film, as a film this performs very well. The writing, directing and acting are all top-notch. The court case is exceptionally well-written. The debates are well-presented, yet remain secondary to the main plot and theme. It doesn't "jump the shark". It holds true to its purpose, all the way through. So that's what I've rated: the movie itself and whether or not it succeeds. In all aspects my answer is "yes, it does". Thus the well-deserved high rating.