In the intro some guy in the forest is suddenly shot. Then we meet four female friends among them a cop and a busy business lady who go on a hiking trip in the woods. Next we meet a group of rich arrogant people at some fancy induction ceremony were new members are introduced. We hear something about their professional backgrounds and their extracurricular activities which involve hunting.
The trip is going fine for the ladies until some French-speaking guy with a gun shows up. The lady cop neutralizes him and handcuffs him to a tree. Suddenly a shot is fired from somewhere and the guy is hit in the head. Of course there's no cell phone reception anywhere. The girls separate into two groups of two. They don't know what is going until more bullets start flying in their direction and they start running into hunters. Hunters from the rich peoples club who are hunting them! Two of the girls run into a cop who takes them to a cabin. Later two hunters end up there as well and there's a surprise. The cop lady does her best to save herself and her friend as bullets and arrows start flying and they even have to face mines. Later we get another surprise as one of the girls starts taking matters into her own hands and goes after the hunters. The hunters, which include women, let competition take the best of them and they start beating each other up. The question is who will survive at the end.
Skull Forrest is competently made very low budget horror movie. Everybody seems to be doing the best with little resources. Acting varies across the board from good to terrible. The movie looks fairly good and the events thankfully takes place almost entirely during the day. The director is resourceful and makes things look better than they are. Aside from the problems resulting of necessity there are problems of choice which are odd and a bit annoying. A lot, too much, is filmed with the camera at a 45 degree angle, so the image and the actors are diagonal on your screen. Movies often overdo the closeup of faces, and this one is no exception, but it goes beyond that by giving us closeups of nearly everything. The director also does his best to avoid giving us dialog. When a revelation is to be made, he cuts to something else leaving us guessing as to what was said or wasn't said. Ordinarily low budget movies stay away from action or effects by giving us characters and dialog. Skull Forest insists on action and effects and avoids story for some reason. There is some fairly well done gore and some nudity as well which does make this movie stand out among low budget flicks. In general for a movie with little to no budget Skull Forest represents a strong effort by the cast and crew.