It's refreshing to finally watch a sci fi film that harkens back to films such as Jean Luc Godard's Alphaville or Terry Gilliam's Brazil with an updated spin on it. Director Jane Spencer (Little Noises) has created a cryptic cinema of ethereal mystery where characters attempt to unlock the meaning of their own existential dilemmas. It avoids pretentious monologues but instead focuses on the inter relationships between multiple characters attempting to make the most of the catastrophes looming around them, where the only solution appears to be in fostering a new form of collective resistance of non violence. In many ways this film parallels the ideas of Ibsen's An Enemy of the People. Nobody will believe the main character who consistently brings up to a passive and conformist public that there are 2 moons in the sky. How does this affect their psyches - what are they going to do about it - and why is the government so keen to cover it up? This phenomenon drives home a deeper metaphor about the meaning of how humanity neglects what is most important until it's too late. This is not a movie that follows a plot line with predictable choices made by its characters but instead allows the audience to reflect on the big ideas presented. The cast is exceptional and is fully invested in this bleak world where poetry is dying to be reborn.