This film starts off well but rapidly descends into dullness and then into being cryptic and intimately finishes in oblivion. I thought this was going to be a good film. The blurb promised a Romance/SF-but the elements of both were surprisingly weak. The romance consisted of a virtually endless series of arguments and the SF aspect consisted of a series of shots of looking at what was apparently a space ship as seen from a distance. The aliens are never seen and there is no communication with the alien vessel. Which is also never seen from up close either. A comet is discovered only to be later revealed to be a space ship. A bond forms between a man and a woman only to be later revealed to be a mistake. And so it goes. The film ends in a series of disconnected images that actually makes little to no sense whatsoever leaving the films audience wondering what just happened here. I would not recommend this movie to fans of Romance or to fans of SF as it doesn't have enough components of either genres to be effective in either genre never mind being an effective hybrid project. I have actually seen this type of thing done better by other actors who were also from the UK and not so long ago either. It is therefor also derivative of another UK project which was better executed than this one. All in all I think this was an inferior film.