Are that there was a gang known as Bonnie and Clyde...
They had a lawman named Frank Hamer (a real life Walker: Texas Ranger) chasing after them...
And their stories converge in Louisiana when an ambush kills Bonnie and Clyde.
Everything else was just filler to try to tell a story.
Let's be real here though, it was A&E that put this together: Arts and Entertainment, which also owns Lifetime (conversely known as Wifetime), and History, which seems less concerned about history and more concerned about spinning a good story. With that, the cinematography is good for a "made for television" budget, and the acting is good. It isn't garbage like many reviews are saying it is. However, elements of teleplay really push what's good about this into territory that it doesn't need to go.
The real history of Bonnie and Clyde is compelling enough, considering much of what they did was interpreted as desperate people fighting back against cold-hearted and nameless capitalist institutions during the Great Depression. And that a woman would get caught up in it was also compelling. Had the story stuck to that, this would have been better. There is however no need to distort the history to tell a good story when the story can stand on its own.
It gets credit from me for the filming and the acting. It looses too much on the rest.