First of all I just want to say this is a sitcom, and not a contender for the Oscars, people seem to be being rather harsh, that being said...
Sean Hayes plays a very willing father to an estranged daughter (Samantha Isler) who was left in his care after the mother thought she needed to move on and when the daughter objected, left her with her father, oh and btw Sean the father is gay which immediately opens us up to a whole bunch of comically awkward scenarios!
Helping Sean with his new charge is his very stern mother Lorna (Lida Lavin) and his very outgoing, slightly loose female best friend Liz (Megan Hilty), the mother being a little too strict, the friend being a little too easy-going but between the three of them they try to do their best for the young lady, an adolescent 14-year-old with all the baggage that comes with this very strange and new situation, but they handle it with smiles love and laughter, lots of laughter!
The show bounces between Sean's home life and work life... Work being trying to run an online retail store which has recently acquired a new and very strange owner Max, played by the wonderful Thomas Lennon, who just loves to make Sean's life both difficult and awkward. Fortunately to help Sean along at work is his aforementioned best friend Liz and their very funny co-worker Hunter (Echo Kellum)
Now I'm not going to say that this show is original, some might even call the characters cliché, nonetheless it works!
I was grinning from ear to ear throughout the two episodes I have seen so far, Sean Hayes has a very big fan base and as long as people do not expect him to be Jack, I think they will be pleasantly surprised by the witty humor, comically awkward situations and family bonding that this show seems to give out quite generously.
Both my wife and I have agreed that of all the new shows that have started this fall season of 2013 this is definitely a winner and we wish to see it continue bringing smiles to our faces!