I had 9 stars worth of interest in Dr. Slump until this weekend, when episodes 7 & 8 were aired by Netflix USA. Ouch. The Romance vector is implausibly slow in that the female lead had already confessed to "quasi-romantically liking" "Dr. Rooftop" (they've held hands on a windswept beach and had a multitude of emotional confessions) yet in episode 8 she is suddenly bizarrely retro-ambivalent. Seriously, she's pushing 30, yet she seems to equate handholding to sexual intimacy. (Like she's spent the last 20 years ain a convent.) Also whenever any of the female actors get drunk, which happens way too often in eps. 7 and 8, they often become outrageously physically abusive to male characters. I find those drunken party scenes downright strange, and the level of acting in them falls between unconvincing and atrocious.