Abhishek Bachan starrer and directed by Shoojit Sircar, inspired from the real life story of Arjun Sen, an NRI senior position marketing professional who is running the materialistic self centred ambitious race to Success, suddenly is tripped and dragged down to ground, to stop and look at Life as a limited God given precious gift which he may lose very soon. This brings out a different side to his character which now values life and all the people around. Struggling to connect with his young around 6 years old daughter who has a strangled relationship with her Dad, because of the Divorced situation and he very rarely being available because of his Career. Arjun, the character played by Abhishek so brilliantly keeps you smiling because of his this wonderful transition and coping up with some life threatening 20 surgeries, with so true emotions of humbleness and in the same time some kind of unwavering Resilience which he gathers, even when he has just few but strong reasons to Survive. You always don't need a massy self glorifying movie, we do need this kind of Life encouraging true to the Heart movies, which make you Love life & near ones more.