This is very innovative and wonderful reality show. Also, if you know the anguish and struggle of the women who play the wolves, you can know that it is inappropriate to assume that this is simply a cruel and fraudulent reality show.
As you know, the concept of the show is that a woman playing a wolf deceives men who genuinely want a relationship. However, as the women who play the wolves are also human, they might be gradually develop romantic feelings for their partners. I felt it was really beautiful and pure how the wolves, who were supposed to deceive their opponents at first, gradually come to really love them. So this is by no means just a fraudulent show to fool people, etc., but has also the aspect of a pure romantic reality show with new concepts.
This romantic reality show from Japan is undeniably innovative and addictive, and it will be a breath of fresh air for all who watch it. 'Is She the Wolf?' has disrupted the existing concept of reality shows and taken them to the next stage. Please watch the show all the way through and I can easily guess you will be moved to tears. The ending in particular was so shocking that I wept so much. I watched it over and over again to soak up the emotional aftermath. The show was that much impact. The cast members of the show has also received a lot of praise on their Instagrams from users who watched it. This Japanese reality show is definitely well worth watching.