Tired of being bullied, a teen makes friends with several others in town who are tired of being taken advantage of and decide to strike back against them with some targeted prank, but when they realize that everything is being upended by plants brought to life by a witch's curse, they must stop it.
There was quite a lot to like with this one. Among the better features with this one is the rather strong setup that manages to bring about some far more involved elements than expected. Starting with the initial concept of the witch's curse coming to play with setting up her motivation for seeking revenge against the town by casting the spell to bring the plants to life, there's a fun build-up to the secondary storyline about the bullied teens coming together to strike back against their tormentors which provides the necessary fodder for the main storyline throughout here. As there's quite a lot to like with the different motivations and backstory elements for what's going on and setting up the series of interactions featured within this one, there's a fun throughline to be had. As a result of that setup, this one comes off rather nicely with the series of encounters throughout here. The main focus is on the series of plants and trees coming to life and gruesomely killing others around town which offers the kind of generally fun encounter here with the first few encounters taking out the small-time drug dealers or the other stragglers around town in several fun brief shock ambushes. Bringing about more involved in the final half, this is where the film works the best with lengthy and over-the-top confrontations showing the killer plants or their controlling scarecrow being accomplished with the most realistic and enjoyably cheesy effects it can muster. As a whole, these are what work the most here while there are some minor issues to be had with this one holding it down. The main issue with this one is the far more involved storyline than it warrants, leaving it with a strangely scattershot approach that it doesn't need. This one is way too busy for what it's trying to accomplish, with the exploits of the witch's curse and the rampaging plant life being more than enough for this one to work alongside the bullies to get their revenge. This doesn't need entire storylines for the various random victims seen floating around as there are some excessive elements here that don't need to be there, oftentimes feeling like they're added merely for the sake of extra characters or trying to bump up the running time. As well as the expected cheap and flimsy production value that comes with these kinds of films, there are some drawbacks to this one.
Rated Unrated/R: Violence and Language.