Meh.. it's a 5 ... it's not terrible, but it's not memorable or remarkable in any way either. Definitely NOT a "must see" or close to it.
A mix of "The Hitcher" and "Texas Chainsaw" (sans chainsaw) to a degree.
I gotta wonder.. where are these attractive women driving trough deserts in classic muscle cars??? Funny how its never a Civic, Accord, Camry, Escort.. always a muscle car.. although the 80s Mustang in this film isn't really the same genre as earlier muscle cars.. it's still a Mustang.
Anyway... film was okay.. exceptionally "talky" in the middle.. the social commentary among two women in the car about domestic abuse was really not necessary and had a CLEAR ulterior agenda. Pointless, unnecessary drivel.
As a film.. it dragggggs then stalls completely, then finally moves. But even when it's moving it's not terribly original.
Character motivations were largely unclear... acting was okay, well... for the most part.
No sex or nudity, one minor adult situation.. which seems rather irrelevant given the violence and foul language. It's labeled "psychological" a few times for a reason... it's more about mood and setting than any on screen gore or "terror". There's blood.. but this is more a thriller than a horror.
Continuity error... keep an eye on that taillight.....