Porno star Johnny Hazzard goes mainstream in Tiger Orange.
I expected him to fall flat on his handsome face, but I was very pleasantly surprised. Hazzard is a delight to watch throughout.
Tiger Orange is not a porno, that is of course the first thought that will cross your mind, and understandably so. It is extremely rare for an erotic entertainer to cross over into clothed features.
There is plenty of skin, but no more sex than any other mainstream feature, less sex than one episode of many foreign televisions shows.
Tiger Orange is the story of two battling gay brothers, Hazzard plays the naughty, slutty, irresponsible, destitute, boyfriend stealing, sexier younger brother.
So Hazzard is not playing against type, it might have been better to cast him as the sexually repressed older brother.
I don't know how much of Tiger Orange is improvisation, but it seems like Hazzard's real personality shines through. And he's a winner, the kind of kid brother, or next door neighbor we all fantasize about. A partner who's fun to be around all the time.
And that's the root of the problem in Tiger Orange. Younger brother always outshines dull, responsible, hard working, small town, respectful, plain, stable elder brother. It's a good script, and an engrossing story.
Sure, there's room for improvement, but Tiger Orange holds your attention from start to finish. At the emotional fraternal conclusion you yearn for just a little more. You don't want the ride to be over.