This film is beyond beautiful and I found it far more moving than I could ever have imagined. Seeing nature developing like that - especially the animals growing into their natural selves - was just gorgeous.
I watched the film with a people from both our local Environmental group and Climate Action group and we were all deeply moved by the way animals help nature to heal itself. At the end we had questions around how the estate supports itself - camping there isn't expensive and nor are the wildlife tours they do, so hardly enough to support such a huge estate and country house (complete with battlements!)
I felt that it could have gone into so much more depth around how healing the land benefits farming, how they manage the land and the animals, how they make enough money to support the estate. They talk briefly about the need for it to support itself but never any more than that.
And they talk about how challenging it was to tread a path that caused so much strong reaction and hint at the end that this is changing or has changed, but don't develop that theme either.
So I really, really loved the film and would have given it 10 out of 10 for sheer beauty and inspiration, but felt that it could have developed quite a few of the themes to make it more informative rather than just inspirational.