I simply loved this and would like to make comment on the following from another otherwise excellent reviewer:
"Herblock - The Black & The White may be a little too long for its own good. At ninety-five minutes, I am saying the exact opposite of what I usually say about documentaries and that this one would've worked better as a fifty-minute exercise. After a while, it feels we're running a track in circles and arriving at the same point even though we began on a different one. However, this is still a strong piece of documentary cinema that again profiles a person many of us may need to do more research on. Start searching."
I totally disagree with that point, although I was probably lucky in that, because of scheduling, I watched about half of it one night and, a few days later, the other half, so I didn't have that problem and felt that it was ALL wonderful. And it has such relevance to what's happening today in New Jersey and elsewhere. I kept thinking how Herb would have been thrilled to have been able to make his incisive comments on what's happening there and the recent chilling revelations. We need more Herb Blocks (and Paul Conrads!) today.
And Alan Mandell is simply wonderful in his depiction of Herbert Block. I just love this and recommend it unreservedly.