Saw this screening at the HorrorHoundWeekend film festival. The main character was the best part, and he won Best Actor award for the festival which was appropriate. The rest of the cast was very mediocre at best. Maybe the parole officer was decent, but way too much bad acting or overacting for me.
The music was distracting, often too loud or just inappropriate for the scene, then cut off abruptly. Transitions from scene to scene were sometimes weak, too. The zombies were fast, which is fine since zombies are fictional and there are fast and slow zombie movies. They weren't too "zombified", but this is an indie film so that was fine.
Overall I was disappointed, but I did really like the twist at the end. That made up for a lot of the other failures of the movie. I wouldn't recommend it to anyone, but there was some good acting and the twist was fun, so if you like indie zombie movies you might enjoy.