No pun intended - I mean the title of his show already is a pun, so what could I add? Well I reckon I found something to add. That aside let's get into Trevor himself. I had a bit of an issue with him when I "discovered" him. That's quite a stretch actually - he took over the Daily Show, he already was doing shows and stuff. But he was replacing Jon Stewart ... how could he? How could anyone? But whoever was responsible for that decision ... I salute you! I reckon it was more than one person who made this possible.
After a bit of time to warm up to him, I could see the differences ... and relish in them and enjoy them. I may still have some issues or disagree here and there, but that is more than normal ... no one human is the same as the other. And yet he is probably one of the most decent comedics out there. So you will not find too many things that will offend the same way that Ricky Gervais offends with ... Trevor is not that kind of comedian! Take it or leave it one might say.
And I reckon he may talk way too much about Germany and France for Americans ... but he tries to bring some outside perspective to the US ... you have to applaud that. And while I don't think all the points he is making are 100% right, it is interesting to see him expanding and really maturing and becoming more knowledgeable! He knows: you always can learn more! And he does just do that.
And he tries to "teach" us too. Not in a bad way - or in the sense of "I know more than you". No it never comes of as demeaning. One thing is for sure: no matter where he goes - he will never be lost! (yes I just did that - with his help)