On a Philosophy Movie forum, someone else compared this to Dead Poet's Society mixed with Psycho and Funny Games. I'd personally compare it to an episode of Netflix's Black Mirror but almost as if it were directed by Lynch, Shyamalan or Haneke. It's intelligent and a very polished movie, much more so than any of the pretentious film snob incels erroneously claim (it should be rated at least 8 stars, I'm adding a star since it's currently underrated). The film is probably not for everyone though, and that might be why some don't like it, especially if they're expecting a mindless alien invasion movie and would likely rate the collective works of Sophocles, Aeschylus, Moliere and Shakespeare a 1/2 star as well. If you slapped a "Criterion Collection" label on this, threw in cameos of Graham Hancock and David Duchovny, then you can probably imagine the type of movie it is; it is in my opinion, a throwback to the great Ancient Greek tragedies mixed with a portrayal of class warfare and the ever-increasing inequality of modern society. The costumes in the film become symbols in a way of man's alienation from himself and his true nature. Culminating in the fatal eruption of unnecessary death and violence that is brought about by the psychological repression caused by the "alien" values of consumerism, materialism and brain-washed idiocy that inflict most people and cause them to treat others as "less than human". Finally, this has a much higher production quality than the new Creepshow or the abomination that was the new 'Twilight Zone' on Paramount Plus, which is why I'd compare it to Black Mirror, only much more intelligent and overall, better.