It's becoming increasingly harder and harder these days to find films in the theater that stand out and really make a memorable impact. This gem of a feature, expanded from an Oscar- winning short (Curfew), makes that rare leap from one form to another without losing its magic. Although I knew the basic story since I had seen the short, I was pleasantly surprised by the whole of this film - compelling characters (not just the amazing leads (Christensen, Ptacek and Rossum are perfectly cast), but even supporting ones), unexpectedly funny, the MUSIC!!, the tone/color/cinematography, and of course, the story itself. All of these various factors melded together into that rare magical alchemy that produces the perfect film. I would love to delve into more detail here, but don't want to spoil anything. Christensen is obviously one to watch for. I am in awe that he wrote, directed and starred in this project, and am already looking forward to his future work. Much respect.