This film directed by Kannada's most talented and innovative film maker Upendra, it is said to be the huge milestone in Indian Cinemas, the way he build the story was truly appreciable, the wondering thing is that its plot has not loosed its importance even after its 20 years of its release, it has maintained enormous craze among the audience masses, it's because of such typical style of Upendra he is considered to be one of the best minds in Sandalwood, the way that story moves has very strong grip and never loses its hold anywhere in between the flow, the role of Satya performed by Shivaraj Kumar was the best ever performance in his cinema carrier which then repeated in ''Jogi'' Prema had rendered her brilliant performance which upholds her involvement in the character, her double shade role in the movie has come out very well, the intro of Satya and the gradual enhancing flow of the movie and those unforgettable music along with good message makes OM the evergreen master-work by the Master movie maker.