I think the others that had commented on this movie are expecting something entirely different. This movie is paced so that it keeps you wondering what is happening,
1. Is there something beyond being colleagues for the two of them? 2. Why is he so anal about going into town, with a lot of cash? 3. Why does she want to come along even though her character really doesn't care one way or another. So much for being Butch.
People who can't enjoy the pacing and comedic tone of the movie have issues lol. You're seriously thinking way too much. You may be like the waitress on the potato or the cab driver who thinks it was infer to follow when he was told to wait RIGHT HERE. hahaha
As for the attack on Matthew this person needs a reality check. Matthew plays the father, casual sensible in a quirky way character. Calling him dull may actually be a compliment but then again the person may not get it lol. And yea Matthew has age and if you didn't like his "talking" character here how in the hell did you ever enjoy the rest of his previous movies lol. Oh the contradiction!
Movie is subtlety funny in a very obscure fashion. You really have to get it for the movie to be remotely watchable lol. Matthew is outright funny, especially the bit where he stops at the you know what shop. hahaha
Hey, everyone has different taste in comedy I guess. Enjoy though.