"Fit for Murder" is a movie based on the real-life murder committed by bodybuilder Craig Titus. With these types movies based on fact I expected a degree of fictional license grounded in factual material. Unfortunately, this movie fails to deliver on all fronts. "Fit for Murder" delivers a superficial, simplistic recounting of events that MIGHT have resulted in a young woman's murder. The problem is the thin narrative seems culled from online articles and Wikipedia. The characters lack depth, sincerity and personality. The circumstances leading to the murder are muddled and fail to engage the audience.
Brock Yurich in the role of Titus, performs ably given what little he had to work with. It's encouraging that I found his performance less wooden than it was in Tyler Perry's soap opera "The Haves and Have Nots." Acting chops aside, Yurich is, like most bodybuilders with an itch to parlay their skills into an acting career, still leading with his muscular physique and hoping talent will follow. His casting is also notable in that Yurich may be among the few gay American actors allowed to play straight men with a degree of credibility.
"Fit for Murder" is really for for nothing.