Just ended up watching #heartbeats armaan air pyaar and loved each and every thing about the show ... . The cast members are such a phenomenal actors be it my favorite #shivangijoshi or harsh beniwal or other supporting actors like anmol tasneem shreya yuvraj or nikhil everyone aced their parts.. and talking about storyline. The story line was so simply good and refreshing as well as relatable not just for medical interns but for everyone who is struggling in their fields it also about the issues a middle class family's child go through and what does a person craving for some love looks like. It talks about anxiety we go through due to our parents never ending expectations.. it talks about new age love.. the understanding that a relationship needs.. the show talks about every one has their own struggles and we should respect them.. the show talks about every day's challenges doctors face... so basically it's a must watch for everyone.. so guys do not miss this one.. and for sure giving this a 10 on 10. And sorry sorry I forgot talking about shivangi and harsh's chemistry that was such a bliss to watch. Pair is so fresh very real very raw and that's why it was very relatable. Honestly loved the show after a really long we got a show that is for youth and doesn't have any cliche story and very raw and relatable..