The RECEP İVEDİK franchise is inevitably going to attract a variety of opinions. It is not "great" art but an attempt to create films that are essentially plot less, full of lewd jokes and sexist humor, guaranteed to appeal to mass audiences.
Yet the basic tone of the franchise is no better and no worse than the CARRY ON series, that ran to 25+ films from the late 1950s right through to 1992. There is the same combination of familiar characters, contrived situation and scatological jokes, even though they are slightly ruder in the Turkish franchise, covering all bodily functions one could possibly imagine.
For what it is worth, the "plot" has our hero (Şahan Gökbakar) joining a television quiz program that has him transported to a desert island. Inevitably he comes out first, triumphing over a galaxy of fellow-contestants much prettier and more attractive than he. The only weapon he possesses is that of talk; for the most part he grinds people down through sheer weight of words.
The cinematic style is rudimentary: director Toğan Gökbakar constructs the action in a series of shot/ reverse shot sequences and close-ups designed to show the star off to best effect. Gökbakar takes full advantage of his opportunities; one has to admire his verbal virtuosity, particularly when insulting those who cross his path.
RECEP İVEDİK 4 should be taken on its own terms for what it is; a star vehicle intended purely to make viewers laugh. On such modest terms, it excels in its task.