Kicking off 2025, we have Katangari Goes to Town, directed by Reuben Reng, which tries to blend mystery and humor but falls a bit flat. The story revolves around Katangari, a retired police inspector who's dragged back into action for a big investigation in Abuja.
Things get rolling when Katangari's cousin, Chief Bello Gyang, a well-known international businessman, is found dead under mysterious circumstances. This shocking twist sets up a classic whodunit scenario, turning the family estate into a hotbed of tension and intrigue-though it doesn't quite hit the mark. Reng aims for a gripping atmosphere, but instead, we get a rather dull vibe as Bello's relatives, friends, and associates are stuck in the mansion, each hiding secrets and motives as dark as the night of the murder.
Character development is pretty much nonexistent, with Katangari coming off as an investigator with sharp observational skills but not much else. The chemistry between the actors is lacking, making it tough to stay engaged with the investigation and the lengthy explanations. While Reng tries to make every character a potential suspect, it doesn't really keep the audience on their toes-most of us just lost interest!
Katangari's dry humor and his interactions with the quirky cast are decent but don't really bring anything new to the murder mystery genre.
On the visual side, Katangari Goes to Town looks good, with cinematography that captures the vibrant side of Abuja-just the upscale areas, though! It feels like the film took a few wrong turns and ended up lost along the way!