The paramedic Katherine "Kat" (Nicole Marie Johnson) joins an expedition through the wilderness composed by women and led by Jean (Sara Mornell). Most of the women are problematic and the objective is to share the experience of living together in the nature for a couple of days. However there is a fire in the woods and Jean is forced to change the traditional route per another through an unknown area. Jean, Kat, Wren (Carrie Finklea), Madison (Leisha Hailey), April (Nicole DuPort), Joy (Joy McElveen) and Brit (Rebecca Colette McFadzien) start walking while Jean's partner drives his van to the destination to bring them back. However a group of psychopaths live in the area and they hunt the women down. Will someone survive?
"Quarries" is an entertaining thriller with strong female characters. The plot is predictable and not original, but the conclusion surprises since this type of slasher usually ends with only one (or none) survivor. The rednecks are psychopath but there is no development of who they are. The women are reasonably developed. The IMDb Rating is not fair but there are many overrated reviews including a ridiculous comparison with the classic "Deliverance". My vote is six.
Title (Brazil): Not Available