It's a great film, building tension throughout to the final minutes leaving one guessing as to the final outcome, which I couldn't guess.
I was left thinking after surely the ending should have been obvious, until as one interprets dreams, or as Freud hints at in his book the Interpretation of Dreams, that is one remembers one's dreams upon waking and thus I only decided it should have been obvious after, and so realised instead that this suggested the film was in fact that well-crafted and I only wanted to have thought it that obvious, but in fact I didn't. And so, it means that, I can go back to the idea that I was indeed left guessing... Thus a good emotional feeling based on a film full of tension and twists as well as what seem to be temporal shifts based on well-crafted edits and cuts from scene to scene up to the final moments.
If one has read Henri' Lefebvre, what he calls a Leibniz's House perspective.
What he meant was that to get the sense of a thing, such as a house, one has to look at it from many perspectives, form multiple person's perspectives and over time too. This film kind of moves towards demonstrating the concept better than most.