I'm not sure if a grinning Irish guy who's speechless for 45 seconds
is going to make good TV, but it might be just what you get. There are
no such things, I believe, as competition between actors. You can't
really award any of us. What we try to do is be good. The nomination
hopefully means that we're good. Any of the actors in this category
would be standing here if they had my part. There are great parts. I
have the best part on Broadway. If you are listening at home on
television, I've just said that, so it's true, so you better come and
see our show. Our show is called Frozen. In theater, in plays, in which
I am passionate about, we don't have scores underneath. When I was
watching these musical numbers, it was fantastic. I sat back and went,
'Wow.' In theater, on stage, we sit on the edge of our seats. We are
part of the play, and it is every bit as electrifying. Come see Frozen!
And thank you so much. I am very honored. - Best Featured Actor in a
Play, Frozen