[About his wife]: Her smile, and her beauty and energy. She was shy when I first met her. She's staring at me right now. She's leaving the room now because I kicked her out. Actually, I met her at a telethon in Utah for the Children's Miracle Network. She was there with her dad, which I didn't know was her dad at the time,
James Best, who is Rosco from
El sheriff chiflado (1979). I thought it was her boyfriend! Later, I found out from my brother that it was her dad. Yeah, I was like 'God, she's so pretty and sweet' and I got this really good feeling when I met her. I was actually in shock when she said she was a Solid Gold dancer because I thought she'd be like 'hey I'm really cool, I'm on TV all the time,' but she was very shy and soft-spoken.