John Holmes(LIV)
- Reparto
Raised with six siblings in and around Oklahoma City. Black Dutch is a term that would describe our heritage yet my maternal grandmother is full blood Czechoslovakian.
Ancestry has informed us that our relative date back 600 years on the North American continent, so I know we are native Americans. Different ancestors have owned different tribes of land over the last 200 years and family members have been born on reservations.
Yukon, Oklahoma is where majority of our upbringing took place our family was involved in all types of sports, and we all exceeded in math so engineering has come to several of my family members. I wanted to be an architect at the University that I was playing college football at and they did not offer that, my first degree is a BS in Interior Design. I also have a Master's in Adult Education.
From this date, we have been married 34 years and my wife and I have a wonderful daughter and a fantastic son-in-law.
My wife, Donna has a unbelievable singing voice, and went through Leavenworth High School with Melissa Etheridge, obviously in vocal classes and plays together.
Over 20 years I worked as an interior designer with commercial and residential. I am NCIDQ certified. I have been published a couple of times, and truly love and enjoyed working as a designer. I was in real estate in Arizona and Oklahoma, and use the real estate law knowledge to work in the oil and gas business as a landman researching title to determine ownership of minerals and other interests and also as a leasing oil and gas landman.
I was diagnosed with stage three colorectal cancer in 2019. We all are looking forward to that five year celebration. At the same time as my treatment, my wife came down with breast cancer, so we both are going through cancer together.
Our families are Christians we have several different family members that have leader ship roles within the church and we are blessed to be children of God.
My wife, Donna has a unbelievable singing voice, and went through Leavenworth High School with Melissa Etheridge, obviously in vocal classes and plays together.
Over 20 years I worked as an interior designer with commercial and residential. I am NCIDQ certified. I have been published a couple of times, and truly love and enjoyed working as a designer. I was in real estate in Arizona and Oklahoma, and use the real estate law knowledge to work in the oil and gas business as a landman researching title to determine ownership of minerals and other interests and also as a leasing oil and gas landman.
I was diagnosed with stage three colorectal cancer in 2019. We all are looking forward to that five year celebration. At the same time as my treatment, my wife came down with breast cancer, so we both are going through cancer together.
Our families are Christians we have several different family members that have leader ship roles within the church and we are blessed to be children of God.