6.9 stars.
To summarize my feelings in a few words: a bit pretentious. The filmmaker took liberties attempting to fit too many pieces into a small container. In other words, they took on too much with a limited budget and not enough time to squeeze a big story into a small window of time.
There are too many characters, which convolutes the script and leaves the male lead with too little screen time. I don't feel he was developed enough to be "worthy" of the lead female, although the actor himself is more than up to the challenge. Her performance is hit and miss due to her obliviousness to his continuous hints. I just don't think it portrays a very likable or believable lead female, so it's a bit disappointing. Generally, women are much more intuitive.
Unfortunately, the film doesn't measure up to the script's potential. All of her wishes coming true by her 30th birthday is quite genius and at times it is exciting to see how the writer imagined it all to take place. Some of the wishes are cool and intriguing and for them to happen is really fun. It's a great idea, but they didn't execute it to my liking.
'A Wish Come True' starts off slow, then becomes entertaining, then flattens out, all the while too many moving parts. Oh well, so much potential squandered. If I were a producer, my advice would be: longer run time, more money, a few actor switches.
The lead female is endearing and pleasant, I've always enjoyed her in all her roles for Hallmark. You should see the other Hallmark movie where she's a New Yorker, but she is dating a prince. I kinda like her in 'A Wish Come True' a bit more, but the other movie isn't bad. I didn't like her as much in another film called: 'Time for Me to Come Home for Christmas' (2018), but it was the best movie of the three (the lead male had an amazing performance).