What makes this so appealing to the younger audience? The confidence in the characters? The animation? The color palette? Or is just hot damn entertaining to watch. This show, while it may not be the most respected show out there, still deserves the recognition people choose to avoid giving it. I first found out about this when I saw the short Goth-ball series on Youtube by ADHD. Sitting there, watching the craziness, I couldn't help but enjoy the animation and the way it splendidly mixed itself together with all of the other factors of the video. While there are certainly a bunch of narrow- minded viewers out there who expect a grand masterpiece out of this, the show holds itself together pretty well, from start to finish. I mean, this show isn't really supposed to teach anything, its just there for the fun of it. Each event not staggers, but flows into the next. Even when you are sitting there, questioning the reasoning behind what you are viewing, it all ties up humorously or freakishly in the end. What I love the most is the way the creators, (meaning everyone) isn't afraid to spit out whatever comes to mind out at the viewers. This isn't Breadwinners for fox's sake, in fact the characters seem to be inspired by rather than copied from them. In conclusion, this show never ceases to entertain me and make me grin like a fool. Also, the show doesn't endorse marijuana or any drugs, so shaddap.